Cargo Insurance

Get comprehensive cargo insurance. Do not take any chances. One solution, many advantages.

When it comes to supply chain management, you know that the smallest oversight can turn into the most serious threat. These dangers can harm your cargo at any time, at any stage of its journey from origin to destination.

As a result, your cargo deserves nothing less than the best insurance solution on the market. An insurance policy that covers most types of cargo from door to door, making it easier to not only buy it, but also process it.

Cargo Insurance from Zurich Insurance is our sought-after comprehensive insurance offering designed to compensate for cargo loss or damage. In the event of a natural disaster, accidents, or theft.

Coverage for Container Damage Liability

Use our containers with the knowledge that you are protected if they are damaged while in your possession. Only dry cargo containers are covered by our Cargo Insurance for damages exceeding 500 USD

Peace of mind

Your cargo may be exposed to a variety of risks during the normal course of transit. We can provide comprehensive coverage to our world-class suite of supply chain services in the event of theft, natural disasters, or accidents.

Broad range of commodities

When it comes to your business, we understand how important each and every cargo is. As a result, we offer cargo insurance for a wide range of commodities, including many reefer products.

Just one invoice

Our cargo Insurance makes things easier for you. By allowing you to settle all of your bills in one place with a single regular Freight Invoice

Great flexibility

You have the option of choosing between two types of contracting (buy insurance per shipment or have insurance included with every shipment upfront).

End to end

Regardless of the mode of transportation or the carrier, you can rest assured that your shipment is insured from departure to arrival when you do business with us.

The risks that are covered

  • Damage to the container (above 500 USD for dry containers)
  • War and strike risks
  • Loss or damage to cargo during end-to-end transportation, regardless of transport provider
  • General Average
  • With a few exceptions in dry and refrigerated cargo, almost all commodities.
  • To and from any non-sanctioned country.

Frequently asked questions on Cargo Insurance