Customs Brokerage Services

Customs Brokerage Services

It doesn't have to be a hassle to clear customs.

Customs regulations differ from country to country and are subject to change.
Our team of experts is up to date on the latest regulations and will handle customs clearance in both the country of origin and destination for you. We ensure that your goods arrive at their destination on time, whether for import, export, or in-transit declarations.

We make it possible for businesses to operate across international borders.

Local expertise, global reach

Our global network is comprised of local experts and dependable partners who know the regulations inside out

Single point of contact

We will be your single point of contact for all your shipping, regardless of the region.

Experienced team

A centralized team of experts overseeing your customs process to ensure compliance and efficiency.

Our Customs Services include a wide range of options

Every exporter and importer must obtain customs clearance. We can assist in expediting this process at both the origin and destination. Our primary services include:

Import Customs Declarations

We help you meet the government's requirement for cargo release, which includes "clearing" goods through customs borders and territories.

  • Cost-effectiveness and a precise process for paying duties
  • Import declarations that are accurate, timely, and compliant
  • Reviewing documents for compliance reduces the risk of fines, costly delays, and inefficiencies

Export Customs Declarations

We assist you in meeting the government requirement for exporters shipping outside of their trade zone to obtain permission to load an outbound vessel.

  • Export declaration filings that are compliant and accurate
  • Management of export merchandise and licenses at the point of origin
  • Document compliance auditing reduces the risk of penalties, costly delays, and inefficiencies

Customs Transit Documentation

We permit customs clearance procedures to take place at the point of destination rather than at the point of entrance into the customs territory.

  • In-transit declaration filings that are timely and accurate
  • Taking care of the freight's subsequent movement
  • Ensuring that the merchandise arrives at its final destination on time and with minimal delays throughout the transportation journey

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