Value Protect

Value Protect

We can protect your goods in a simple and smart way with Value Protect.

Accidents happen even in the safest of hands. You want to know that if your cargo is damaged or lost while being transported across the sea or by land, you won't lose money. As a result, Fluxe Logistics offers Value Protect, providing you peace of mind that your cargo will be protected against accidental damage during its journey with us.

Additionally, Value Protect provides alternative carriage arrangements with higher recovery thresholds on shipping claims. By selecting Value Protect, you can rest assured that you are providing the best possible care for your cargo during its journey.

Why should you use Value Protect?

Simple claims processing

For faster resolution, less documents are required, and Fluxe Logistics chooses the surveyor for some packages.

Simple coordination

We will be your single point of contact for all your shipping in addition to your Value Protect related queries.

Peace of mind

You have less to worry about when shipping your cargo with clear recovery levels in Value Protect.

Easy pricing

Select a package and find out how much it will cost to protect your goods up front. There are no difficult computations or additional fees.

No additional cost

In the event of a claim, you will not have to pay anything with Value Protect.

One invoice

Value Protect will be included in your normal shipping invoice for your convenience.

Our Value Protect Packages

When you choose one of our Value Protect packages, we can easily provide you with peace of mind. Whether your cargo is Dry, Reefer, or Special Cargo, we understand how valuable it is to you. As a result, we have customised Value Protect to cater specifically to your cargo, ensuring that it is always protected from logistics-related risk.

  • Select your dry package for dry cargo
    Dry Packages Compensation
    Dry Starter Up to 15,000 USD
    Dry Base Up to 30,000 USD
    Dry Plus Up to 60,000 USD
    Dry Extend Up to 120,000 USD
  • Select your cool package for reefer cargo

    Cool Packages Compensation
    Cool Standard Up to 12,000 USD
    Cool Advanced Up to 36,000 USD

  • Select your special package for special cargo

    Special Packages Compensation
    * Special Standard Up to 180,000 USD
    * Special Advanced Up to 240,000 USD

    * Only goods transported in special equipment (open tops and flat racks) are eligible for the Special Standard and Special Advanced packages. Break bulk cargo is not eligible for Value Protect.

What Value Protect compensates and what it doesn't:

Below is a quick checklist of what Value Protect compensates for and what it does not:

What Value Protect compensates

  • Theft
  • Fire
  • Accidents caused by bad weather or other dangers of the sea
  • Damage to cargo as a result of the delay
  • Saving or attempting to safeguard lives or property at sea
  • A mistake or neglect in the ship's navigation or management.

What Value Protect does not compensate

  • Financial losses and commercial damages caused as a result of delays
  • Wrongful handling by the shipper, as well as inherent flaws in the goods
  • Transport leg not covered by Fluxe Logistics Bill of Lading
  • Commodities: seafood, fish, berries and some chilled fruits
  • Geopolitical events

Frequently asked questions on Value Protect

  • General
  • Getting started with Value Protect

    Q: Can I purchase Value Protect for any container and commodity?

    • Value Protect is availabe for any commodity shipped in dry containers with different options to suit your needs: Packages include Dry Starter, Dry Base, Dry Plus and Dry Extended.
    • Value Protect can is availabe for selected commodities shipped in reefer containers, depending on your needs: Except for fish, shellfish, and some chilled cargo, the Cool Standard and Cool Advanced packages are valid for all reefer cargo.
    • In addition to the dry cargo packages, the Special Standard and Special Advanced packages are provided for special cargo.

    Q: Can I buy a Value Protect Dry package for my reefer shipment?

    No, the Dry packages are only good for dry cargo. You can purchase one of our Cool packages for your reefer shipment.

    Q: Is Value Protect available for break bulk cargo?

    No, unfortunately Value Protect is not available for break bulk cargo.

    Q: Can I buy Value Protect on a shipment-by-shipment basis?

    Yes. Value Protect can be filed for the entire contract or for specific products within the contract. Individual shipments can also have Value Protect added at the time of booking.

    Q: Can I purchase Value Protect for just a few of the containers in my shipment?

    No, you must purchase the same Value Protect package for all containers in the same shipment that are protected by a single B/L. If you're shipping containers that don't need to be compensated for Value Protect, you will need to put them on a separate B/L.

    Q: Is there a special form I need to fill out in order to purchase Value Protect?

    No, once you have decided on the Value Protect package you desire, Value Protect will be included in your contract and applied to all of your shipments. It has never been easier to get rid of risks!

    Q: How will I receive my Value Protect invoice ?

    Value Protect will be invoiced together with the ocean freight and will be shown as a separate item listed on your invoice.

    Q: When my shipment is moving over land, is Value Protect active?

    Value Protect is valid while your cargo is in our care and custody. If you arrange your pre-carriage and on-carriage, then Value Protect will also apply to that part of the transport.

  • Claim handling

    Q: How do I get my compensation if I file a claim?

    Please contact our customer service representative in the event of cargo loss or damage. Our agent will gladly take down all pertinent information and forward the case to the claims handling team for prompt resolution.

    When notifying the cargo loss or damage, please specify that this is a Value Protect claim and give appropriate proof so that the claim may be clearly recognised as being submitted under Value Protect conditions.

    Q: What papers must be submitted with the claim?

    To register a claim, customers who have purchased one of the Value Protect packages will simply need to present the following documents:

    • the commercial invoice
    • a letter of protest
    • colour photos
    • In some cases, an independent surveyor's report may be required to show the amount of the damages.

    Q: In the event of cargo damage, will Fluxe Logistics appoint a surveyor on my behalf?

    In the event of cargo damage for shipments covered by the Value Protect Dry Plus, Dry Extended, or Cool Advanced packages, Fluxe Logistics will appoint a surveyor on behalf of the customer.

    Q: What happens if the General Average is too high? Will I be required to submit a bank guarantee or other documentation?

    In the event of a casualty, the General Average (GA) is a long-established mechanism in the maritime industry for allocating extraordinary losses and expenditures fairly between the parties (i.e. vessel and cargo).

    Prior to releasing the cargo, the GA Adjuster will ask the cargo owner to provide security for the GA expenditures according to the contribution of the cargo. There will not be a requirement to place any security for GA and/or salvage any contribution if Value Protect has been purchased. Fluxe Logistics will hold the security until the customer provides the relevant paperwork. Customers that purchased Value Protect, however, must still provide the following documents:

    • Average bond (signed and stamped by customer)
    • Packing list
    • Commercial invoice (to determine the security amount based on the percentage of contribution as advised by the GA Adjuster)

    Q: Why do I need to provide an average bond if Fluxe Logistics will be putting up security for me?

    The average bond confirms the contact details and identity of the receiving party in order to make contact after delivery, if necessary, regarding information about the goods. Furthermore, the GA bond constitutes a promise to pay, which will be honored by Fluxe Logistics in the event of Value Protect compensation.

Commercial terms

When Value Protect is selected, it will apply to all shipments within the agreed scope. In any event, compensation under Value Protect shall be limited to and not exceed the value of the purchased and relevant Value Protect package recovery. It will cover the invoicing value of the damaged goods up to the value protection package's recovery.